제19회 광주충장 축제에 외국인 유학생 초청 안내




충장축제 퍼레이드에 초대합니다

친애하는 유학생 여러분,
19 광주 충장 축제에 여러분을 초대하게 되어 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다.
광주 동구는 옛것과 새로운 것이 공존하는 살아있는 도시입니다남도문화의 본고장이며 문화 중심구로 발돋음하는 작지만 강한 문화도시입니다이곳 광주 동구에서 매년 가을이면 전국 유일 추억을 소재한 ‘추억의 충장축제’가 열립니다 축제는 거리 퍼레이드전시회공연직접 체험국제 교류 행사국제 대회 등을 포함한 다양한 행사로 구성되어 있습니다.

올해충장축제 퍼레이드  세계 사람들이 모여 평화를 증진시키기 위해 유네스코 광주 ‧ 전남협회 주된 역할을 합니다.

유네스코는 축제에서 열릴 많은 행사  하나인 충장 축제 퍼레이드에 다양한 나라의 외국인 학생들이 참여할  있도록 참가 신청을 받고 있습니다외국인 유학생 여러분들의 많은 참여를 기대합니다퍼레이드 참여  자기 나라의 전통 의상을 입을 것을 권장합니다전통의상을 입고 참여하는 모든 참가자들에게는 30,000원의 상품권 주어집니다.
유네스코는 여러분이 퍼레이드에 편리하게 참여할  있도록 버스(픽업 전용) 제공 예정입니다버스는 1) 전남대학교,  2) 조선대학교,  3) GIST 남부대학교의 3 그룹으로 나뉘어 이동합니다정확한 버스 운행 시간표는 확정된 참가자들에게 공지될 것입니다.

아래 링크에 따라 온라인 신청해 주시기 바랍니다.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd35FGQ8biHLa6uErSdbdbUi5h20bPe-mAHLQxeSSErZy6lyA/viewform?usp=sf_link

또는 퍼레이드 코디네이터에게 직접 연락하여 개인 정보(이름성별국가연락처이메일 주소) 제공할  있습니다. (010-4822-4295  Fatima Uroos)

퍼레이드 일정: 2022.10.15, 토요일 16:30 ~ 19:30
퍼레이드 장소광주제일고등학교 > 금남로 > 5.18 민주광장 (1.5km)

Invite to the Chungjang Festival Parade

Dear International Students,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to join the 19th Gwangju Chungjang Festival.

Every autumn in Dong-gu, Gwangju, the "Chungjang Festival of Memories" is held to celebrate the coexistence of different cultures, and to honor the history of the city. The festival consists of a variety of events, including street parades, exhibitions, performances, hands-on experiences, international exchange events, international contests, and more.

This year UNESCO GJA is playing a big role in the Chungjang Festival Parade on 2022.10.15, in order to promote peace by bringing together people from all around the world.

This is an official notice to recruit participants for the Chungjang Festival Parade, one of the many events that will take place in the festival. We are looking for foreigners from various countries, who are willing to represent their countries by participating in the parade. It is highly encouraged that you wear your traditional attire. A gift coupon of 30,000 won will be given to every person who participates with their own traditional clothes.

UNESCO will provide bus (for pick up only) so that you can participate in the parade conveniently. The buses will be divided into 3 groups, 1) Jeonnam National University 2) Chosun University 3) GIST and Nambu University. The exact bus schedule will be notified to the confirmed participants.


You can apply for the participation online through this google form, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd35FGQ8biHLa6uErSdbdbUi5h20bPe-mAHLQxeSSErZy6lyA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Or you can contact our coordinator personally and give your personal information (Name, Gender, Country, Contact number, Email address)

(010-4822-4295  Fatima Uroos)


Parade schedule: 2022.10.15, Saturday, 16:30 ~ 19:30

Parade venue: Gwangju Jeil High School > Geumnam-ro > 5.18 Democracy Square (1.5km)





** 外国人留学生优惠:参加街头游行时穿着自己国家的传统服装的学生会给30,000韩元的商品卷。


*** 参加方法:利用下面链接来输入申请信息

- 链接:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd35FGQ8biHLa6uErSdbdbUi5h20bPe-mAHLQxeSSErZy6lyA/viewform?usp=sf_link 

- 日程:2022. 10. 15. 周六 16:30~19:30

- 游行地点:광주제일고등학교 > 금남로 > 5.18 민주광장 (1.5km距离)

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