대학원 외국인 유학생 생활보조 장학금 선발자 발표 / Announcement of Successful Applicants for Living Subsidy Scholarship (International Graduate Student)




대학원 외국인 유학생 생활보조 장학금 선발자 발표

 Announcement of Successful Applicants for Living Subsidy Scholarship 

(International Graduate Students)




1인당 장학금액

대학원 외국인 재학생



대학원 외국인 수료생




- A total of 50 students were selected among current students. (300,000 won)

- A total of 14 students were selected among the students who completed coursework. (200,000 won)


선발자는 첨부파일 확인 바랍니다.   첨부파일 : 1) 재학생 / 2) 수료생 

국제협력팀 선발기준에 따라 엄밀히 심사하여 선발하였으며, 장학금은 12월 말 ~ 1월 초 지급 예정입니다.

※ 재학생 중 만족도 조사를 하지 않은 경우에는 심사대상에서 제외되었으며, 기한이 만료된 거주지 계약서를 제출한 학생들도 심사대상에서 제외되었습니다. 심사 결과와 관련된 문의사항은 받지 않습니다.



Please check the attached file for the selectees.   Attachment : 1) Current Students / 2) Students who completed coursework

Candidates were rigorously selected according to the criteria of the International Affairs Team, and the scholarship will be paid out in late December – early January.

※ Those(Current Students) who did not participated the satisfaction survey were excluded from consideration & Those who submitted expired Housing Contract were excluded from consideration. Inquiries regarding the evaluation results will not be accepted.