Jounghyeon Kim 홈페이지 email LIST
Degree Ph.D. University Dongguk University
Graduate School indiana university Concentration Monetary Economics
Extension +82-62-230-6823 E-mail


•Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics, Applied Finance

Teaching Courses

•Money and Banking, Mathematical Economics, Economic Analysis and Projects (Macro and International Finance), Principles of Economics (Macro)

Academic Background

•Ph.D., Economics (2010), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
•M.A., Economics (2004), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, U.S.A.
•M.A., International and Development Economics(IDE) (1995), Yale University, New Haven, CT, U.S.A.
•B.A., Economics (1993), Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea

Research Area

•Monetary Economics, (Open) Macroeconomics, Applied Finance, International Finance


Working Papers and Work in Progress

•Jounghyeon Kim, "Financial development and remittances: the role of institutional quality in developing countries"(forthcoming;; 2020년 한국연구재단 신진연구지원사업 선정과제)
•Jounghyeon Kim, 통화정책의 지역별 차이: 지역 화폐공급을 중심으로( Regional differences in the effects of monetary policy and regional money supply) (forthcoming)
•Jounghyeon Kim, "The determinants of remittances: The effect of population aging on remittances in developing countries"

Published Papers

•Jounghyeon Kim (2020), Determinants of corporate bankruptcy: Evidence from chaebol and non-chaebol firms in Korea, Asian Economic Journal, Vol 34. Issue 3, p. 275-300.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2019), The impact of remittances on exchange rate and money supply: Does "openness" matter in developing countries?, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 55, Issue 15, p. 3682–3707.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2019), Ownership concentration and Institutional quality: Do they affect corporate bankruptcy risk?, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Vol 48, Issue 4, p. 531-560.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2018), Bankruptcy and institutions: Theory and empirical evidence from Korea and the United States, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 54, Issue 1, p. 219-233.
•Jounghyeon Kim and Sung Beom Jun (2017), 통화정책의 지역별 차이와 변화(Changes and differences in regional effects of monetary policy), 한국경제연구(Korean Economic Studies), Vol. 35. No. 2, p. 67-110.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2016), Determinants and predictive powers of bankruptcy models for firms in Korea and the U.S., Global Business and Finance Review, Vol. 21, Issue 2, p. 65-85.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2016), Consumer confidence and economic activity: What causes what?, Korea and the World Economy, Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 183-212.
•Jounghyeon Kim and Sung Beom Jun (2016), 지역금융의 현황과 지역경제에 미치는 역외유출의 영향(Finance and the effects of its outflows on the regional Economy in Korea), 무역연구(Journal of International Trade & Commerce), 12(4), p. 463-486.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2013), Remittances and currency crisis: The case of developing and emerging countries, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 49, Issue 6, p. 88-111. •Michael Alexeev and Jounghyeon Kim (2012), Bankruptcy and institutions, Economics Letters, Vol. 117, No. 3, p. 676-678.
•Jounghyeon Kim (2012), Monetary and exchange rate policy in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis: the case of Korea, Korean Economic Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, p. 91-116.
•Guay C. Lim, Chew Lian Chua, Edda Claus, and Jounghyeon Kim (2011), Review of the Australian economy 2010-11:Growth, jobs and debt, The Australian Economic Review, Vol. 44, No. 1, p. 1-12.
•Jounghyeon Kim and Jung-Gu Park (2001), A Comparison of competitiveness in high-tech industries between Korea and China and Japan KIET Issue Paper No. 2001-91, KIET.
•Dohoon Kim, Janggun Lam, Jounghyeon Kim, and Wonbok Lee (2000), OECD Review of Regulatory Reform, (translation in Korean), KIET Policy Paper, No. 203.

Academic Presentations

•2020: 2020년도 한국경제연구학회 동계학술대회 (장소: 한국고용정보원 지역일자리지원센터)
•2019: World Conference on Business and Management 2019 hosted by the People & Global Business Association at Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL MIIT) (Best paper award)
•2018: World Conference on Business and Management 2018 hosted by the People & Global Business Association at Jeju National University & Jeju KAL Hotel, Korea (Outstanding paper award); 2018 Seminar of the Institute of Knowledge management at Chosun Univ. (as a discussant)
•2017: 2017 International Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions: Asset Pricing, Risk Management and Corporate Governance (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets) at Chengdu, China; 2017 Joint Seminar of Institute for Future Growth at Korea Univ. and Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies (as a discussant), Korea Univ.
•2016: 38th Winter Conference 2016 for Korea International Economics Association, Konkuk Univ., Korea; 12th International Conference (Western Economic Association International) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: Joint Economics Conference 2016, Seoul National Univ., Korea
•2015: 2015 Winter Seminar for the Association of Korean Economic Studies, Kyonggi Univ., Korea; Seoul Conference for the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets, Korea.
•2014: 16th Korean Economic Association International Conference (Korean Economic Association), Korea; EuroConference 2014 (The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; 2014 Joint Economics Conference, Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea
•2013: Joint Economics Conference 2013 at Korea Univ., Korea
•2012: The 15th Korean Economic Association International Conference for at Korea University, Korea.
•2011: The World Economy 10th Conference; (The Assocvation of Korean Economic Studies) at Claremont McKenna College, CA, U.S.A.


•2019, Best paper award at World Conference on Business and Management 2019 hosted by P&GBA
•2018, Outstanding paper award at World Conference on Business and Management 2018 hosted by P&GBA
•1991~1993, Inchon scholarship award from Inchon Memorial Foundation (Full-tuition scholarship: 인촌장학회 학비전액 장학생)


•2019.9 ~ present, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
•2013.9 ~ 2019.8, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
•2011.10 ~ 2013.2, Research Professor, BK21 Economics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea •2010.8 ~ 2011.6, Research Fellow, The Melbourne Institute (Applied Macroeconomics Group) at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
•2007.8 ~ 2009.6, Research Assistant at the Indiana University Center for Econometric Model Research (CEMR)
•1999.10 ~ 2002.7, Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), Seoul, Korea


•2021.7 ~ present, A member of the Gwangju Price Stability Committee(광주광역시 물가대책위원회 위원)
•2021.1 ~ present, An editorial board member, Future Growth Studies(미래성장연구), Institute for Future Growth at Korea University.
•2020.1 ~ present, An editorial board member, Journal of Social Science(사회과학연구), Research Institute of Social Science at Kyung Hee University.
•2018.6 ~ present, An advisory board member of Gwangju & Jeonnam Branch, the Bank of Korea
•2018.4 ~ present, Chosun University Press committee member
•2017.1 ~ present, An editorial board member, Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies(국제통상연구), the Korean Association of Trade and Industry Studies
•2017.1 ~ present, An academic research board member, the People and Global Business Association (P&GBA)

Extracurricular Activities

•2021.6, 2021년 전라남도 출연기관 경영평가 평가위원
•2021.6, 2021 한국연구재단 인문사회학술연구교수(A유형) 평가위원
•2020.6, 2020년 광주광역시 출자출연 경영평가 평가위원
•2020.6, 2020년 전라남도 출연기관 경영평가 평가위원

Reviewer Activities

•SSCI Journal: Applied Economics
•KCI Journal: Korea and the World Economy, Journal of Social Science(사회과학연구), Financial Stability Studies(금융안정연구) Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies(국제통상연구)

Research Projects

•2015, 2020: 한국연구재단 신진연구사업
•2015, 2016: 한국은행 광주전남본부 연구용역