Great Idea 'Differente Future Achieved by Different Ideas'
People who are on the top think differently from those who are not.As we believe that they can look further on the top, we expect that you can soar with wings of youth and passion in Chosun University. Here a different future is waiting for you.
On September 9. 1946, 72,000 citizens gathered to establish the first private university in the Honam Area. Gwangju Evening Academy, a predecessor of Chosun University, was authorized and on September 29 of that year, it opened its wide door of education to the public.The Founders' Association affirmed the following three educational ideals of Chosun University : the establishment of a system for personal education; providing of a productive education to link the school and society; setting up of a scholarship system for talented students. These ideals put emphasis on the democratic education of individuals of character to cope with the urgent task of constructing a nation and culture, to cope with the execution of practical education in mutual relations with learning and reality , and to extend educational opportunities to talented students.
Chosun University, which has a proud historical background and university ideals, has led university innovation movement and today continues its vigorous efforts to meet the global standards of the university.
Please watch Chosun University plan the future based on tradition and history of 61 years as a tree with deep roots does not sway in the wind.
Ideals of Foundation
Chosun University provides the following education to nurture talented elites who contribute to wealth and power of our nation and public good of the world
Character Education
To educate characteristic and creative students who can contribute to the world.
Practical Education
To educate professionals who serve for welfare of the country through creative education that connects university and society.
Specific Education for Talented Students
To educate talented students through wide ranges of scholarship
Objectives of Education
Chosun University aims to nurture talented students who can contribute to national and international welfare through providing opportunities of intensive academic research, teaching, and public service based on national educational ideals and the established ideals at our university.
To produce creative students by focusing on character
To produce professionals who have global knowledge
To produce leaders of society who are responsible to serve the public
To produce leaders who will lead the technology and communication-based age