The materials and die industry is a base industry which has a direct influence on the development of other industries and the development of other industries can not be expected without the development of the materials and die industry. The trend of the materials and die industry focuses on the die technology of advanced materials for which technologies of material, design, processing, molding, thermal surface treatment, measurement, design technology, and IT are applied. This department is a combination of material engineering(advanced material and polymer engineering), precision mechanical engineering(mechanical design engineering and precision mechanical engineering) and aims to nurture internationally-competitive professional elites in advanced parts and materials die technology.
Educational Goals
Specific goals are presented as follows:
To nurture qualified professionals who lead in the advanced parts and materials and die industry.
To nurture future-oriented intellectuals with creativity and problem-solving ability.
To nurture creative professionals who are practical and capable of research.
To nurture qualified leaders who meet national strategies and contribute to the promotion of local specialized industries.
To nurture engineer technicians with knowledge in the advanced parts and materials die industry and with good personalities.