This college has produced about 4,000 graduates from the department of medicine and about 1,600 from the department of nursing since its opening as a protector of health of our country and the world. For a current medical education, the curriculum has been significantly revised and various centers are open to enhance medical research such as MRC, Cyclotron Research Center, and RCPM. This college has changed its system into a Medical School to nurture competitive elites who can contribute to the development of professionals such as medical staff, medical educators, biologists, and public health administrators.
This department aims to nurture medical staff who respect life, have good personality, basic knowledge, skills, and good attitudes as doctors of primary medical care based on the educational ideals of Chosun University.
Educational Goal
To nurture good personalities and qualifications in doctors.
To nurture a basic knowledge in primary medical care, clinical skills, and attitude.
To nurture the ability to actively deal with a changing medical environment.
To nurture the attitudes and habits for personnel to evaluate their own quality in their area as medical doctors, clinicians and medical administrators and to continue studying to gain better qualifications.
This department aims to nurture professional nurses who can meet the needs of society in the 21st century through a whole-person education centering on humanity, health, the environment, and nursing based on the foundational and educational ideals of Chosun University.
Educational Goal
To have the attitude to respect the value of human life and observe ethical norms and laws.
To nurture specialized nurses who can understand humanity, health, the environment, and nursing comprehensively through a whole-person education.
To nurture the ability to deal with the needs and problems in human health by learning scientific knowledge and developing a critical thinking ability.
To nurture a therapeutic communication ability based on knowledge in nursing.
To acquire nursing skills through creative application of specialized knowledge gained in a multidisciplinary way for nursing practice.
To nurture the ability to cooperate with other public health teams within medical institutes to enhance the quality of nursing and provide efficient nursing.
To contribute to the specialization of nursing by enhancing the ability to actively deal with socialization.